De Bewakers van Westerbork (Dutch)


Frank van Riet

ISBN 9789058756077
300 pages

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Numerous books have been published about Camp Westerbork, the Dutch gateway to the Holocaust. Until now, however, the organization and monitoring of the camp remained underexposed. This book is mainly about that. No brutal sadists were needed to guard camp Westerbork, as was the case in other camps. Camp commander Gemmeker had only a dozen SS at his disposal. They were assisted by the Jewish Ordedienst (OD), also referred to by other camp residents as the Jewish SS, and by the Marechaussee, who were in charge of external security. In all their horror, the measures of the camp administration were very effective: out of more than a hundred thousand Jews, only a few hundred managed to escape. Frank van Riet describes how the camp was run; a forgotten chapter in the wartime history of the Netherlands.